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tv   Fox Report With Jon Scott  FOX News  December 31, 2023 3:00pm-4:00pm PST

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that serious but we are movingda our body to feel good it's about longevity and building yourselfe up >> how to i think i didd ? >> let's i think you are ready i think you are ready. you killed it. ♪ you should see the other guy >> yat. [laughter] guys. i took them all on me thanks the folks at grits boxing i will definitely be back for more ingi the new year. thank you so much we were watching fox news a saturday night. watch your dvr every saturday night on fox news do not forgett to follow us on socialo media.n please listen to my podcast fox news a i am kennedy, good night from new york city and happy new year. u.s. forces killing houthis for the first time since they began
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attacking red sea shipping in november. navy helicopters returning fire on gunships those boats destroyed at least 10 houthis fighters they were attacking american forces intervened a good evening i am christina kallman emperor jon scott this new year's eve. this is a special edition of a fox report. more on the red sea attack at a moment. first security in times square. the crossroads of the world as a crowd that could reach 1 million prepares to ring in the new year. recent fireworks flew over the iconic acropolis as greeks rang out the old, sydney, a story was one of the first major international cities to mark 2024. celebrating with a 12 minute firework display over the city's iconic upper house. and right now the clock is
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striking midnight in rome. fireworks flying over the city as a sc italians ring in the new year. back in "new york times" square as the revelers get ready to party. the excitement and crowd continued to grow as we are less then six hours ringing in the new year. people from around the world have gathered with thousands of nypd officers. kind of throughout the crowd just to make sure everyone stays safe for the good news is there are no specific credible threats to this iconic ball drop. we are taking another live look at the crowd put organizers say this celebration has grown back to what it was before the pandemic. with protest continuing over the israel hamas the nypd has set up an expanded security perimeter around times square with the help officers keep protesters out of the party's own pre-police are using drones, helicopters, canine units and
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officers on horseback to patrol the area. listen to this. >> they are looking for any type of anomaly. whether it be someone having a medical emergency. whether somebody may have left an unintended package for each everyone screen to come here these are adding security force. >> there wasn't one pro- palestinian rally in the city today. it's actually still going on at this hour. the crowd is starting to disperse so this protest called shut it down for palestine. police say they will be shutting down anything. this group so far has stated several blocks away from the party here in times square. keeping everyone safe is a joint effort by local, state, federal law enforcement. >> it is a true we are in a heightened threat awareness. that's not unfortunate going to change anytime soon and that is why we deploy all of the resources that we do to make sure that those you see in the
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resources behind the scenes are working together with all of our partners to keep everybody safe. and the nypd is reminding everyone a big part of staying safe out here is if you see something, say something but you can probably hear all the action happening around me. rehearsals are going on. there've already been some performers on the stage behind me. this crowd is absently amped to close out 2023 in the ring in 2024 with a lot of anticipation for good things to come. back to you. >> cb i have got to say i amped about your guitar earrings and purple coat it is everything. have fun out there and stay safe. x specially trained dogs are accompanying israeli troops in gaza to help scan theories for threats before conducting raids on the strip. this comes as we lea learn the . confirming tales of our ran back houthis rebels. the commercial shipping comes
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under attack in the red sea. trey yingst has more. >> that is right. we are following that breaking news out of the red sea. the united states was directly engaged with ironic back houthis rebels. according to central command u.s. navy helicopters responded to a distress call from a container ship that was under attack by four houthis boats. they were fired upon before returning fire and a sinking three out of the four vessels the crews were killed in the houthis said 10 of their fighters died. last night the same commercial vessel was hit by a missile that was fired by the houthis while responding to that incident the u.s. is greatly shot down to antiship ballistic missiles. they develop must come as intense fighting continues on the ground in gaza. at state 86 of the war between israel and hamas israeli troops are going after intricate network of tunnels around gaza second largest city. the paratroopers brigade has been deployed to southern gaza after weeks of fighting in the
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north. israeli military statement said the brigade had several hamas gunmen and recent street to street fighting for it overnight to additional soldiers were killed bringing the total to 172 since the ground operation began. amid those israeli efforts to find more hostages in gaza and go after hamas leadership, we understand according to reports a new cease-fire deal could be on the table. >> a trey yingst and tel aviv, israel. thank you. we are just hearing a barrage of rockets into southern israel just as the new year began. now president biden might not be touting the signature bidenomics anymore t that doesn't stop them from selling the idea of the economy is flourishing under his administration. but our people buying the rebrand? lucas thomason's live in sin court for the president spreading the holiday. >> christina president biden spoke to the press for the first time here in the st. croix he
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spoke last night after dinner. >> what is your newest resolution sir? [inaudible] [laughter] fix anything else? bucks a new statement president biden's reelection campaign said quote when president biden took office he inherited in economy from donald trump that have been rigged for the ultrarich and left in shambles. biden's top economic advisor appeared on "fox news sunday" he said he felt very bullish about the economy in 2024. >> if you actually look at the trend and the economy, the strength of consumer spending, real wage gains for nine months in a row year-over-year for mid-level workers i think you see some real momentum getting us a good start for the new year. >> it not mentioned by the biden campaign the strong performance of the stock market this year.
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the dow up nearly 14% the s&p 500 up over 24% the nest that up nearly 45% many american say prices are still too high for many items they buy including groceries. >> the biden administration is extremely rosy when they talk about the economy. they seem to think things are going incredibly well part that makes voters feel the biden administration has no relationship to reality or no understanding of what it's like to go to the grocery store. and have the price to skyrocket. >> something else you do not hear from present biden or his campaign or jared bernstein is the "washington post" reporting the united states is now producing more oil than any country ever has. >> lucas tomlinson, with the president. thank you very much. let's bring in steven moore chief economist at freedom works is one of the founders of the
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committee to unleash prosperity he's also the author of god godzilla. thank you so much for joining us. today on fox news ascendant we have the chair of the white house council of economic advisors arguing the economy is improving. take a listen. >> so with the strong tail wind of this job market behind consumers with easing inflation coming back to where it was pre-pandemic, with actual lower prices and eggs, tvs, toys, airfares, used cars, that is starting to make a difference to families. and as i said, some of that is showing up a in our consumer confidence measures. >> many americans clearly still not happy with the state of the economy as lucas tomlinson noted in his report and the associated press also wrote this. okay they actually wrote their there,many factors lie behind te disconnects. increasingly point point to onen particular. that lingering psychological
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effects of the worst about of inflation and decades. tell me, there's a lot of people were just not happy with the way the economy is right now. what will it should take to change their minds? >> good to be with you. first of all the economy is better today than it was a year ago, no question we had nine-point to% inflation rate inflation rate has come down to 3.5% that is a good thing. but i just want to clarify something divided economic advisor are saying prices are falling for it prices are not following its the rate of increase is not as large as it was last year. but by my calculation food at the grocery store is now up about 21%. it's from eggs, to ground beef, to botwo boxes of cereal. you look at the gas price to dollar 25 cents a gallon higher today than it was inviting him into office. it is salacious for biden to say we help the middle class.
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in fact by my calculation the average middle-class family when you take into account the inflation of the first three years of this administration, has lost about $2000 a purchasing power. for my family of 50 or 60 a year that's a big loss and explains why 70% of americans still say their personal financial situation is worse today than it was two or three years ago. >> that is right it really is tough. i cannot to how may times about the grocery store and bent at the checkout line i see people taking things out of the cart i can't afford this. >> exceeded before too. >> is really tough right now you put six things in your cart and it's like how is this $100? what is going on? a recent fox news poll shows 64% of registered voters view their personal financial situation as fair or poor. do you think people will remain unsatisfied with the economy going forward?
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even though biden is touting his economics? take a look at that, 36 for science can say is going well excellent, good. 64% say it poor. what do you have to say about that? >> at those numbers hold up in the next year than joe biden is not going to be reelected president and member the old saying, we heard a thousand time it is the economy, stupid. if you've got a situation where two thirds of voters are feeling a financial situation is worse, there's hardly any way you can see joe biden could win. who knows what's going to happen in 2024 i'm not rooting against the economy i would love to see more jobs but i love to see higher incomes. one other thing that quote we are producing more oil than ever before but this is a present has declared war on american oil. the only reason oil production is up us because the prices so high today. if we had donald trump still as president and hen maintain his energy policies will be producing about 3 million more barrels a day.
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we would not have to worry about iran we would not have her about russia on his other enemies of the united states. the energy policy is not respect for the economy, it's bad for the national security as well. >> i'm glad to bring that up because i want to talk about gas prices there is still sticker shock on the pump especially in near california with the average price of gas is $4.70 that's actually up 30 cents compared to a year ago. how are we going to deal with this? we talk about planning trips, planning vacations, driving across town to drop your kid off school. how are we going to continue to deal with this in support biden when is touting economics and there's still so much pain at the pump alone? >> gas prices are really good indication of how americans feel about the economy generally. you are right. they are down they were about $3.39 a gal t that's down for about 4039 a year ago. but when trump was president the price of gas was less than $3 a gallon, remember that.
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that's going to be a big problem. by the way when trump was asked, if he was present was the first thing he would do remember he said were going to drill, we are going to use america's oil, our gas, our cool, our nuclear power. we should use them than we have. when you bring down energy prices, everything else falls because it's a master resource embedded in everything we buy. >> i'm so grateful i live close to work. [laughter] these gas prices are ridiculous. look he had 22% of registered voters think the economy is going to get better. only 22% a whopping 44% think is going to get worse but 31% believe it will be the same what say you? you are the expert. >> i hope it gets better. do not want to see another year we had in 21 and 22 it's two disastrous years in office. i think biden is going to have to change directions. he's going cap to stop talking
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about raising taxes. the other thing we have is the 800-pound gorilla we had not even mentioned $33.5 trillion national debt. the fact amick 1 trillion are you ready for this, $1 trillion of debt on their credit cards. americans are borrowing more to maintain their standard of living which is why it is a laughable joe biden says a middle class is doing so much better than i am. he should go out and ask people how they are doing. just as the fox poll shows they are not feeling the love right now. >> that is right they are not putting say whatever you want to but we'll check our bank accounts and know the truth. it's even more, thank you so much be sure to check out his book godzilla, how the relentless growth of government is devouring our economy and our freedom. chief justice john roberts award of ai potential impact on cases and the supreme court annual year end report the nation's highest court bracing for a contentious election your head.
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they not marie is here with the details. >> this is the first time ai has ever been mentioned on the year end report. chief justice john roberts says he understands technology to transform his work take a slow approach to ai. in dehumanizing the law. saying in part quote some may wonder whether judges are about to become obsolete. i am sure we are not. the u.s. to seek ai at the center of court cases the "new york times" is suing open ai and microsoft over copyright violations. >> copyright laws when you have machine learning models that are training on the work and the data of journalists for publications in those publications are not receiving royalties or any compensation for that underlying training data there is a problem. that is white this case is going to really set legal precedents
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depending what happens here. >> supreme court will also look ahead to several politically charged disputes the new year. many cases will focus on former president donald trump's legal troubles and reelection efforts included whether states can keep his name off a primary and general election ballots for the supreme court could hear arguments on abortion, social media restrictions, gun ownership or the justices will be under a microscope as they prepared to issue rulings a in a presidential election year. confidence in the high court is at an all-time low. fox news poll in june found 48% of those surveyed have confidence in the supreme court that is down from 83% just six years ago by the supreme court has adopted a new code of conduct to look at their finances and extracurricular activities with some justices did not disclose gifts and other financial benefits. accelerate danamarie mcnicholl thank you so much. still to come on this special
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edition of fox report, illegal migrants continued to flood across the southern border but what will the bite administration be voters are watching. plus they'll be a major battle for control in the united states senate in 2024 but we look at the key players and what is at stake, next. liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. with the money i saved, i started a dog walking business. i was a bit nervous at first but then i figured it's just walking, right? [dog barks] oh. no it's just a bunny! calm down taco. sit duchess. stop! sesame no no. archie! walter don't, no, ahhhh. ahhhhh! you're lucky you're so cute. only pay for what you need. ♪liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty.♪
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he was a border patrol setting an internal alert some migrants are using fake passports with fake birthdays to trick officials into thinking adults are unaccompanied minors but official site migrants think it's easier for migrants to get across the border. this as december breaks a record for the number of migrant encounters in a single month. built pollution has that incredible work of bringing all kinds of stories on the border has been following the story two. what is the latest? >> as the number of illegal crossings continued to shatter all records out there fox news has obtained an internal work to tucson, arizona until unit.
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in it warns agent some illegal immigrants from the african country of guinea are coming in with fraudulent or altered passports have a look at it right here. this notice was was sent out to advising them adults are using the altered passports to change their age and masquerade as unaccompanied minors all in an effort to better get into united states it warns agents on what to look out for and advises any and guinea passports issued in e municipality after june of this year are likely fraudulent or altered. hundreds of adult men cross illegally in that tucson sector every single day. sources tell us it's in a fiscally began october 1 they have now been about 780,000 migrant encounters at the southern border. that is the highest first quarter ever recorded. it's also a population size bigger than the city of seattle coming across the southern border and just three months.
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there are no signs of any of this will be slowing down anytime soon. another migrant caravan made up of thousands is currently moving north through mexico heading right to the u.s. southern border where the majority of border patrol agents have been pulled off of patrol duties. they are focusing on massive processing and mass releasing for that is forced texas law enforcement to try to step up and do the federal government's job. the biden administration susa texas over almost every measure it takes. >> our own federal government trying to stop us when we are trying to stand back the surge they failed to do in the last three years. >> christina, despite all these records of the southern border being shattered over and over, the white house cree jean-pierre said of the border there is nothing unusual going on. will send it back to you for. >> that is crazy to think the record-setting numbers thank you so much.
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>> bobalance of power and the ne state senate tipped either way. one part it looks like it has the advantage. congressional correspondent takes a look at some of the most competitive races ahead. >> i know the montana that is worth protecting because i have lived it every day. >> the race for control of the u.s. senate is heating up the 2020 map is shaping up to be a favorable one for republicans. thirty-three seats are up for grabs, 20 democrats, three independent to caucus with them in tent republicans gop needs to flip just to to take back control without winning the white house. one of those is likely a west wt virginia pre-expected to turn red after democrats hundred joe manchin announced his retirement. then, any of these seven competitive races could tip the scales. that includes montana, a tossup state were the three turned democrat is casting himself as a
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washington outsider. ohio is also considered a tossup or incumbent democrat brown is within single digits of all three republican challengers. and, battleground states former president trump one and 2016 like pennsylvania. democrat senator bob casey likely faces former hedge fund ceo david mccormick. at the gop disastrous performance in 2022 is a roadmap the best chance for vulnerable dems is facing controversy at republican candidates. that is my ex io's reports the new chair of the senate republicans campaign is seeking conservative candidates who are acceptable to former president trump and not so far right gop moderates reject them. >> how involved is a former president and helping to pick this candidates? lexi is very engaged. but tell democrats be careful what you wish for. our candidates can win in a general election for a quick sum on the left awarding democrats to focus on their own issues.
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>> he got to really connect with working-class folks. the economy is coming back for a lot but for a lot of other people it isn't big. >> on capitol hill fox news. >> one of my dad's favorite movies but uptight what hollywood has put the fear of god into some of us when it comes to artificial intelligence. good computers actually stages some creepy takeover? government agencies rely more and more in ai technology, that is next.
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>> hi i am christina: whatever jon scott this is a special new year's eve edition of the box report it is the bottom of the hour. here's a look at some of your headlines. the repair man who worked on hunter biden's infamous laptop was swatted friday night. details are unclear but he was not home when he says an anonymous caller reported crime at the home. the new law banning most firearms and public takes effect tomorrow. even as an appeals court case surrounding its constitutionality continues. ask our hall of famer hasn't died at the age of 84. 183 races and top 10 finishes over his illustrious career for more on these and other stories tell of the fox news app, scan the qr code or go to the u.s. government appears to be increasing its use of artificial intelligence for this, despite no shortage of warnings about what could happen if ai does not behave.
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it could be scared. mark meredith has more. >> from tracking america's sea lion population to analyzing how people cross the border. a new gao report by the federal government is using artificial intelligence and plans to expand its use even as he technology develops in real time. >> it has a massive potential to change with the government does business for. >> 23 federal agents exist asap ai the most. while on earth ai helps commerce treasury homeland security accomplish their mission. >> it is assistive technology. it's helped them do their job better start replacing people per. >> the government accountability office's rules are needed. quickly. the government to have safeguards to manage complexities, risks and societal consequences. in october present by inside executive order requiring federal agencies develop guard
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rails on ai use by next year. the order also requires ai developers notify the government if their products impacted national security. >> is no greater change that i can think of in my life than ai ppresents as a potential for. >> ai it regulations a final vote comes next year. while here at home congress is still considering legislation and industry experts explain a lawmaker should tread carefully because strict regulations could but the u.s. at a disadvantage. quick something is moving really fast here. other countries are moving fast as well when you put all that together it's a very difficult challenge. >> gao did not look at the pentagon's use of ai for this report and not every government agency is even using ai yet. for example the department of housing and urban development the regulatory commission and the small business administration have yet to deploy ai in their operation. mark meredith fox news. >> coming up on the box report
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that i discovered 18 variants as are poorly responsible from us half of u.s. cases. doctor marty makary us up next with details on the new variant and how we can protect ourselves.
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>> the latest covid variant is spreading fast across the country. the omicron sub variant makes it nearly half of the colored cases in the u.s. but let's bring in fox news and medical contributor dr. marty makary to talk about how concerned we should be. thank you so much for joining us on this new year's eve. tell us, what you make of this variance and how could protect
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yourselves? >> hi christina this is another common cold type virus and there are many of them can disproportionately affect those who are particularly vulnerable but i would say be as concerned about covid and was new jn at one dominant variant as you should be about flu and rsv and rhino vitas and every other common cold virus. covid is not the dominant virus of the season but there is a growing chorus of doctors were starting to say woody to stop the meticulous testing unless you would treat somebody we did treat it differently the fatality rate is far below the one tenth of 1% that we saw last season. >> tell us, why do you think this is spreading so fast? i know it's the holidays were hopping on planes and traveling in their holiday parties for dwight to get spreading so fast? >> covid is just a highly contagious and inevitable virus. if most people not cut the symptoms they will certainly be exposed. there is just not a lot of great
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options but i do not like covid i wish it was never brewed up in the lab and we never had to do with the pandemic. but your options are profound social isolation for disconnect yourself from others. or living a life and taking some risk appear to think it's gotta be stratified based on the person. when i see a young healthy night chilled waiter wearing a mask outside that tells me they have a disproportionate understanding of the true risk. >> right how covid is handled at this juncture has been evaluated quite a bit. has special needs kid who needs to see people's mouths to move it. he has trouble speaking but everybody was wearing masks for so long, it was so hard but wall street journal op-ed that national institutes of health chief was called for his remarks the parents this summer for braver anderson outfit that bridget local divides he says you attach infinite value to stopping the disease and saving the life you touch touching zere
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to whether this actually totally disrupts people's lives, it ruins the economy and many kids kept out of school and a way they never quite recovered this he explained it as a public heah mindset. which was another mistake we made it. in terms of healthcare costs they are projected. tell me what you have to say about that? what do you have to say about the way we handled covid in so many states especially california for the locks down seem to go on forever precooked this was a bit of a refreshing, the public heard from the former nih director. he was a bluntly honest that public health officials got it wrong being myopic and focus only on transmission and not on the overall person for health. doctor collins has been heavily criticized because he controlled all research funding is head of the nih. he could have settled all the controversy by rapidly
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commissioning the research on community masks, and myocarditis after the vaccine after natural immunity. during all of those issues not only did he relea release no fug to study this issues properly. he remained silent. he sided with the political leaders of his party. he cited with the teachers union to keep schools close and that's what people are very frustrated about. we talked about issuing an apology was some remorse i think people at looking to him to do that first. >> we are making up for what happened in terms of education whatnot. herd immunity, what you have to say about that? what are your thoughts? >> when it initially came out as a concept in the fall of 2020 a lot of us are skeptical but that got a lot of things right. you could argue they got everything right we should protected nursing homes, not
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like we saw in new york and new jersey. they argued that kids should have been in school. we have basically been using the declaration every year during influenza season and for a lot of common cold illnesses. they had a lot of truth. many would argue they were one 100% correct on everything. doctor collins the head of the nih never invited them to have a discussion. podcasts house had more open dialogue than the nih or dr. fauci. and add a result you doctor collins cagey and calling for quick takedown of the declaration that the people are frustrated about because they were correct. >> i appreciate that is so refreshing to hear someone say when you think but the overall consequences of how we handle this. you tell people they need to go away, they lock themselves in their homes for months and months the social impact of that
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was just horrible in terms of children interacted with each other in terms of little kids get into socialized ship anything more to say about that we have about 10 or 20 seconds left. >> well, i think people are looking for an honest apology as i find as a physician the public can be very forgiving of you are very honest with them. right now people are looking for honesty they did a sense of closure per doctor collins it's hard what the lab leak. he still does not think it came from the lab it's amazing to think the entire pandemic was avoidable had the lab not been doing this again a function research that we were funding. >> all great points dr. marty makary thank you so much for your input this new year's eve. >> thank you and happy new year. >> coming up.
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[laughter] beautiful, i love it. we are going to take around the globe for house in major cities rang in 2024. stay tuned. elko ♪ ♪
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>> of other headlines from around the globe or new zealanders were among the person the world to usher in the new year. five minute long firework display and light show kicked off with a countdown projected onto the base of sky tower. in australia fireworks over opera house lit up the sky. 1 million people gathered to view the display from the shore and on boats on the harbor. and by ringing in the new year with a show at the tallest tower in the world. it was also lit up by thousands of colorful drones. ♪ [laughter] how exciting in taiwan the sky scraper welcomed in 2024 with 16000 fireworks. the celebration also using fireworks from japan to show the
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close relationship between the two nations. and in bangkok revelers caught a stunning firework show as the clock struck midnight in thailand. and in denmark thousands brought the new year it with the monarch the queen will abdicate the throne on january 14, the 52nd anniversary of her succession. her son will succeed her. and that is a look at some stories from around the globe. lots of fireworks. would return a special edition of our animal almanac section we take a look back at the animals for their amazing antics in 2023. i love this. stay with us.
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ i do not know why that makes me emotional. it has been a crazy year but here we are at the end and i'm so grateful to be with you guys. imagine writing a massive wave of 70 feet tell the strong ocean current in front of hundreds of diehard fans for check this out there that's what's of the world's best surfers it did this week at the mavericks award competition in northern california paid the coastal town of hat moon bay. take a look at that. that is amazing. even though wipeout's, it's just
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incredible visually when you see those writers on the surf right there. i am so fascinated by it. i spoke with one of the cofounders of the competition and he is just incredible but they provided us with this video today to see the true athletes. they are taking advantage of the huge swells for their twisting their boards in the air. look at that. the acrobatics they're doing flips, wowing the crowd. they have three categories to win the biggest wave, right of the year end the performer of the year. a super cool surfers from all over the world here for that. all right, want to start the new year off right? how about waiting $810 million. that is right. nobody had the lucky numbers on saturday pushing the powerball jackpot that much closer to the big billion. would you continue to work with that money? i would. i would because i love everybody so much and i hope you do too. taking about taking the cash upfront option if you win that will get you about 408 million before taxes.
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of course the next drawing is tomorrow night. good luck if you play. from adorable dog soup moose on the loose 2023 was full of unforgettable scenes of animals all around the world. let's take a look at some of the most memorable moments caught on camera this year. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ so much cuteness.
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that was it. thanks to all of our wonderful viewers for joining us for the special edition of the fox report this sunday december 31 new year's eve. i am christina clement and for jon scott but thanks for having me tonight guys, we will see you next week. happy new year. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪


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